IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 Questions – Mobile / Cellular / Cell Phones
Do you have a mobile phone (= “a cell phone”)?
Do you use a cell phone?
What do you use it for?
How often do you use it?
When did you get it?
When did you get your first mobile phone?
How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?
What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?
Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?
Is your cellphone very important to you?
Are cellphones (or, mobile phones) very popular in your country?
(Why?) How often do you use a cellphone?
When do you usually use your cellphone and for what purposes?
Which do you prefer to use, a cellphone or a normal house phone (= ‘a fixed-line phone’)?
(Why?) What are the differences between cell phones and typical house phones?
Do you think cellphones are important for modern people?
What services does your cellphone have that fixed phones don’t have?
How do you think cellphones will develop in the future?
How has advertising for cellphones developed in recent years?
Are there any differences between the cellphones (= mobile phones) that men use and those that women use?
Do you have a mobile phone (= “a cell phone”)?
Do you use a cell phone?
Is your cell phone important for you in your daily life?
How did you get your first mobile phone?
How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?
What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?
Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?
ANSWER: Things you can say about mobile phones and cell phones
Good things about mobile / cellular / cell phones
They are the most poupular type of gadget in the world today
The way we communicate has been revolutionized by cellular phones
We can stay in contact with everyone no matter where we are
They allow users to communictae by text messages, making calls,and sending emails
Mobile phones provide easy access to the Internet and users can also take photos and listen to music all on one gadget
Bad things about mobile / cellular phones
Mobile phones may cause some problems in certain public areas
When they ring in public places like cinemas and schools they create a disturbance
Some people seem not to be aware that other people can hear the conversation
Mobile or cellular phones can interfere with the operation of other electronic equipment
Excessive use of mobile phones can cause brain damage due to radiofrequency (RF) waves they emit
Using a mobile or cellular phone can be a dangerous distraction when trying to certain other activities
Talking or texting on a mobile or cell phone while driving is very dangerous
Mobile phones are easy targets for thieves in many places
Opinions about mobile / cellular / cell phones
The benefits of cell phones are greater than the drawbacks
Mobile phones have more advantages than disadvantages
If we use cellular phones with care, they cause very few problems
Mobile phones / cell phones are essential nowadays
Many mobile phones have become a fashion accessory for some people