When you first meet a person, you will say the greetings. This lesson will show different…
Introducing yourself
Learn to communicate in English fluently, let’s start with simple phrases. In this lesson, we…
Introduce People and Things
You want to introduce a person to your another, how…
Tell a story in English
Some students think they never tell stories, but that is not true. Any time we…
Count and Non-count Nouns in Context
Count nouns can be counted as one or more. Non-count nouns cannot be counted. They usually express…
How to use Measure Words
Measure words are commonly used to talk about non-count items, such as rice, water, wine,…
Starting a Conversation in English
How to start a conversation in English? You can speak English quite well. But sometimes you…
Rejoinders are quick responses to show that you are interested or paying attention….
Giving opinions in English
How do you give your opinion on something? Is by starting a sentence with “I…