Here is a short explanation on what word stress is as well as five common word stress patterns that will help you accentuate the right syllables and speak English like a native speaker.
These rules will enable you to improve your intonation and speak with a better accent. Understanding and mastering the rhythm of English is crucial to be well understood and reach a high level of oral expression in English.
Rule #1
The stress is on the first syllable for most Nouns with 2 syllables
- KNOWledge
- CLImate
- GRAMmar
- PROduct
- TAble
- CHIna
The stress is on the first syllable for most Adjectives with 2 syllables
- HAPpy
- CLEver
- SPAcious
- HANDsome
- GRACEful
Rule #2
The stress is on the last syllable for most Verbs with 2 syllables.
- exPORT
- perMIT
- seCURE
- proMISS
- comPLY
Rule #3
The stress is usually on the second last syllable for the words ending in –TION, -SION, -CIAN.
- eduCAtion
- maGIcian
- insti TUtion
- muSIcian
- concenTRAtion
- exTENsion
- techNIcian
- perMISsion
- obSESsion
**exception: TElevision
Rule #4
Stress is on the second last syllable for words ending in –IC.
- econNOmic
- reaLIStic
- straTEgic
- meCHAnic
- geoGRAphic
- draMAtic
- pessiMIStic
- acaDEmic
- poEtic
- eLECtric
Rule #5
Stress is on the last syllable for words ending in –EE and –OO.
- employEE
- degrEE
- guarantEE
- shampOO
- tabOO
- tattOO
**exceptions: COFfee and comMITtee
Keep these simple rules in mind and you will soon find your pronunciation getting better and better! And of course better pronunciation will help you to improve your spoken English more flucently and confidently.
Other example of the rule #2
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Thank you it really help me with my assignment
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Can you please treat syllables rules too