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Are there any restaurants near here?

Everyday English Conversation

Listen to the conversation between a stranger and a woman at the information center. The stranger is asking for information about where to eat and stay in the city. Pay attention to the phrases There is and There are in the conversation.

ACan I help you?
BYes. Are there any restaurants in the station?
AYes, there are … but … what ‘s the time?
BHalf past eleven.
AAh, they’re closed now, but there’s a snack bar over there. That’s open.
BAnd is there a cash machine here?
AYes, over there.
BThanks. And hotels?
AThere are two hotels near here. The Charlotte Street Hotel … that’s about two hundred and fifty pounds a night.
BTwo hundred and fifty pounds? That’s expensive.
AAnd there’s the Ridgemount, that’s about eighty pounds.
BWhere’s that?
AIt’s here on the map.
BOK … thank you for your help.


Language Note:

How to use There is and There are

We use “there is” for singular nouns,Ā “there are” for plural nounsĀ and “there is” for uncountable nouns.

There is + Singular nounThere is an apple on the table.
There are + Plural nounThere are two apples on the desk.
There is + uncountable nounThere is some water on the table.


We add not after the verb is/are to form the negative sentence.

There isn’t + Singular nounThere isn’t an apple on the table.
There aren’t + Plural nounThere aren’t two apples on the desk.
There isn’t + uncountable nounThere isn’t some water on the table.


The verbĀ is/are is place in front of there to form the question.

Is there + Singular nounIs there an apple on the table.
Are thereĀ + Plural nounAre there two apples on the desk.
Is thereĀ + uncountable nounIs there some water on the table.


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Choose the correct answer

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